Thursday 30 October 2014

Happy Halloween

Level 27

Hey guys - it's on time! ;D

Thank you for Level 27, I couldn't have reached it without all your help, I am truly grateful to all! <33

Cat x

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Level 26

Again, I forgot to make a blog post on me reaching Level 26, so here it is!
I'm just gonna show you the video of me Leveling up (It's on YouTube by the way)

Please watch it! ^.^

Cat x

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Breast Cancer

If you've read hollyrenee's blog already, you'll know this, but I'm doing what she asked and passing on the message! ;)

October is Breast Cancer awareness month, so people who get involved in Holly's weekly themes are being asked to dress in pink when they can! :)

Thanks if you can join in, and PASS THE MESSAGE ON!!! :D

Cat x