Friday 22 September 2017

Well, hi?

Woah... it's been a while

And by a while I mean about 2 years


Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise to go onto my blog and find that I have hit 5.7k views (that's 1000 more that I had in my last post, apparently)

As you may or may not know, I have officially quit MSP. Like, I'm pretty sure this is going to be permanent - as of now, I'm not planning on coming back. We'll just have to wait and see

Apologies for a very un-substantial post, I just wanted to make this to say hi and see if anyone still reads this blog? If you do, leave a comment down below so I can see whether to post more often (though not about MSP) or if I should just abandon and delete this blog altogether.

That's it for now :)

Cat x

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Hello Again

I don't think I will apologise for not posting in future because I doubt that I will be able to post regularly - I would be apologising a lot!
But for now, I'm sorry for not posting :P

I just wanted to say a few things:

1. Thanks for 4.7 k views on my blog! I think that this is quite a lot, and although lots of the views will be mine, I still appreciate everyone who has viewed this blog. It means a lot <3

2. I got 700 subscribers on my YouTube channel...
... although I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it that way! My uploads on there aren't as regular as they should be either :/

3. I just want to share a few new pictures that I've got in various folders on my laptop ;)

I managed to get my Halloween picture to top page (and got it to No 1 at one point - a total of over 1.4 k loves) which I'm really thankful for <33

The ridiculous movie glitch I get whenever I try to make shortmovie-like movies >.<

And finally, look at the middle status. I found this rather amusing, I'll let you decide your opinions for yourself!

Cat x

Thursday 27 August 2015


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in ages, I just never seem to get round to doing it :P

Anyway, here is the collage I made of me and Loly when we went in my room one day xD

The messages say it all <3

Cat x

Thursday 25 June 2015

What I've been up to...

Heyy guys :P

I think I might make more of these posts unless I can create a blogging schedule, as I'm so hopeless at doing posts on time >.<

Basically I'm gonna post all the pictures I've got on various computers and laptops and talk about them (a bit like a round up of all the stuff I've done recently-ish hence the title)

Let's start with all the snazzy friends/starcoins I've had that I took snips of xD 

Meet & Greets...

This was the Masquerade Ball Meet & Greet by Slam and Aly (which was quite a while ago xD)

And these are the Angelings Meet & Greet pics that I took... I can't remember which one :/ I think it was the second one..?

I don't think this is quite as easy to see, but on my laptop some of the things on MSP have gone really pixelated, which is super annoying -.-

And, to finish off, a really creepy message that popped up on the bottom of my laptop during my Music lesson last week... stalkers o.e >.>

Anyway, thanks for reading all the crazy things that I get up to online x'D

Cat x

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Level 30

Hey :)

It's late, but aren't all my posts (i)

Firstly, my VIP ran out. I will be getting another one, but it won't be for about a week at least xD

Secondly, I reached Level 30...

I really am pleased, as I feel like this is the next big step in my MSP future lol
But yeah, thanks for all the help, all the autos, movie views, loves, I couldn't have done it without all my friends, and ily all so much <33

Cat x

Sunday 26 April 2015

Thank You Holly...

Well... I am completely gobsmacked xD
I really didn't expect this... AT ALL

I went onto Holly's blog, and found this:

And if you didn't realize, let me break this down for yuh ^.^

This is the VERY TOP of Holly's blog! And, that is MY edit! This means that Holly has put MY EDIT at the top of her blog! :D

It really was an honor to see it up there, tysm Holly for using it as your banner!!

And, she also put my #ImDone edit at the side of her blog, which I am also very grateful for <33

Tysm Holly!

Cat x

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Level 29 / Movie Deals

Hey guys
It's been a little while, so I decided I need to make another blog post :)

Firstly, I reached Level 29 last Monday, so thanks so much for that, I am so close to Level 30 now it's unreal (I set myself a goal to start 2015 - that I would get to Level 33 buy the end of the year - so far it's going well)

Secondly, I just released an artbook today about my movie views, since I roughly get between 20 and 50 views per movie but have around 1000 friends :/

Please help me by watching my movies, like I said in the artbook, I will return the favor ;)

Cat x