Wednesday, 10 December 2014

oh the winner returned #2

It's here! I'm doing this post from the work computer (Imma rebelll) so... here it is! xD
I don't know when, but once upon a time I added this girl 'oh the winner returned' as a friend!
I was on the app when she sent me this message:
I was like...

The conversation after that...

 So I took her account, and started making changes! I deleted her looks and most artbooks, and created a new 'Giveaway' artbook to get rid of unwanted clothes! It was going well, I had got rid of most of the clothes when I got this message from on of her backup accounts:
There was also a message from another account of hers (I can't remember the name and I can't find it in chat so perhaps it was deleted?) saying something like 'Thanks for looking after my account, can I have it back now?'
As you can imagine, I was shocked and surprised... this girl had said I could keep her account FOREVER as she didn't want it anymore...
But, being the good person I am (i) I gave her the account back...
 Everything was okay for a while before 'oh the winner returned' went back on her account... then things started kicking off...
I was rather annoyed... I mean, look at her excuse!!!

 After a while, we sorted it out, and I hope that person never makes that mistake again...

 Then, only a few days later, I got locked out for telling her account the password, FOR A WEEK!!!
I mean, come on!!!
I just wanted to blog about this... thanks for reading! ;)

Cat x

Friday, 5 December 2014

Lack of YouTube Videos and Posts

Okay, so I am doing this post from my iPod because at the moment I can't use the computer! I just wanted to make a quick update on my blog (for the few people who read it)!

The computer that I would normally use to log on to MSP every day has been disconnected from the Internet, and I can't get onto it with Internet until we get a new phone line! This could take some time... :/

So, for now, I am logging on on a work laptop. As the title says, it's for work, so I can only log on quickly, not play on it properly (it's not my laptop)!

I hope this explains why I haven't been doing as many blog posts (oh the winner returned #2 coming as soon as possible) or YouTube videos!

Hope you understand my situation a bit more, I will try and log on everyday, and I will be on the app a lot! Hopefully we will get another phone line soon! (i)
I hope to be 'fully' back soon! :D

Cat x

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

oh the winner returned #1

To be honest, I am quite annoyed right now! -.-

Ok, so I was gonna do a whole blog post on this little missy (oh the winner returend), but as she talked to me on DevilCat5, and DevilCat5 has been locked out for pretty much 7 DAYS (6 days and 19 hours) for giving a password, I can't find the chat until then!

What I will say, though, is that if she says she has been hacked, it's not true!

More on this in 7 days time... (oh the winner returned #2)

Cat x

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Happy Halloween

Level 27

Hey guys - it's on time! ;D

Thank you for Level 27, I couldn't have reached it without all your help, I am truly grateful to all! <33

Cat x

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Level 26

Again, I forgot to make a blog post on me reaching Level 26, so here it is!
I'm just gonna show you the video of me Leveling up (It's on YouTube by the way)

Please watch it! ^.^

Cat x

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Breast Cancer

If you've read hollyrenee's blog already, you'll know this, but I'm doing what she asked and passing on the message! ;)

October is Breast Cancer awareness month, so people who get involved in Holly's weekly themes are being asked to dress in pink when they can! :)

Thanks if you can join in, and PASS THE MESSAGE ON!!! :D

Cat x

Thursday, 25 September 2014

My VIP Ran Out...

As the title says... I am no longer VIP! :(
I WILL be buying another VIP, but it might not be for quite a while... as it DOES cost REAL money... :/

Also, I realised that I haven't made a blog post about me getting to Level 25, so here it is!
YAY! TYSM FOR LEVEL 25! My next milsetone has been reached! <33

Also, I only have a teeny weeny bit of fame left till Level 26! :P

Soo... yeah, thanks if you help me level up, expect another blog post soon! :D

Cat x

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Level 40!

Well... after a LOT of hard work and effort, I have reached LEVEL 40!
Thank you all so much for your continued support and help, I love you all!

Don't believe me? Here's the picture for proof!

See? Numbers don't lie! (i)

Yes, I know this is a pretty terrible edit, but it's like my 3rd one EVER, so I'm very proud of myself!
Made on piZap!

Cat x

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Me On Highscores Again!

Because I was bored, I found myself on Highscores! :P

Cat x

Black Screen?

Today I logged on (Thursday - the time when MSP's theme usually changes)
to find that, instead of it being last week's theme, (like usual)
it was black!

See? Black instead of themed!
But it helps me blend into the scenery! (i)

Because a few other people have had this, I think it's normal, so don't worry!
It should update soon...... hopefully!

Cat x

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Level 24 and 20

Both my main accounts have leveled up fairly recently, so here's the blog post thanking you guys who actually read this! (i)

DevilCat5 is now Level 24! 500k to level 25!!!
Won't that be something, eh?

!!!DevilCat!!! is LEVEL 20! 
Never thought there would be a mere 4 levels between me and my backup!!! (i)

Videos of me leveling my accounts! ;)

Cat x

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Well... I logged on to MSP this morning to find a lovely message from someone called 'GetHolly2PageOne'
Here it is:

Delightful, right? -.-
Here is her profile:

She seems nice right? NOT! -.-

And then I went onto Jen's profile and onto her looks done by other people, and this is what I found:

And, I'm gonna be honest! Yes, she is ugly! Because you made a horrible look of her with mis-matching clothes! That's what you'd expect from a low-life like yourself!
And the worst part? Her username, being all 'Help Holly'! Her status a few days ago read:

Yes, all angelings (Including myself) want Holly back to page 1! It's the next bit I hate... 'Adding Angelings!'
Well... I'm an angeling, and so is Jen! And you're dis-respecting us? Wow. I have no more words! -.-

And then I found this:

Very close friend of Holly's? Being mean to Angelings? O.o

Cat x

Monday, 4 August 2014


And not just any old autograph, one from ishacool! xD

Just because I complemented her! Thanks Isha! :)

Cat x

Weird Animation?

Well, I was just minding my own business on MSP this morning, but when I looked on Mimi's guestbook I was horrified to find a mean comment on her wall! The gist of it was that no-one cared about what Mimi felt like, which ofc is untrue!
But I clicked on this person, and found this:

Lol! To MSP: Why on EARTH did you make this animation? I thought you blocked us saying swear-words? This animation is probably not able to be bought anymore, but still... xD
All I can say is, right back at you person who writes horrible comments in my BFF's buestbook! :D

Cat x

Saturday, 5 July 2014

DevilCat5 Is FINALLY Level 23!

Well, as the title says, DevilCat5 is now LEVEL 23!
I'm so happy right now!
Link to my video is below... it's on my YouTube channel as well (Devil Cat)

Cat x

Monday, 30 June 2014

Leveling Up?

Hi guys!
I just want to say that both !!!DevilCat!!! (8k) and DevilCat5 (84k) are close to levelling up!
I would really appreciate autos, and movie views would be awshum!
Thank you so much if you help in any way shape or form!

Cat x

Friday, 27 June 2014

First YouTube Video!

Hey guys!

Today I uploaded my first YouTube video! Link here!

Please watch it, like and subscribe! :D

Cat x

Monday, 23 June 2014

YouTube Account...

Link to my YouTube channel here!

See if that works, though I wouldn't count on it! >.<

Just tried it and it works for me, so no excuses! xD

Cat x

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Me again! ;)

Hello again!
I just want to say that I found myself on highscores a couple of days ago on a random account of mine!
Picture down below if you don't believe me! xD

Cat x


Well... hello! This is my blog... :D
I don't know what else to put, so I'll leave it at that for the moment!

Cat x