Wednesday, 10 December 2014

oh the winner returned #2

It's here! I'm doing this post from the work computer (Imma rebelll) so... here it is! xD
I don't know when, but once upon a time I added this girl 'oh the winner returned' as a friend!
I was on the app when she sent me this message:
I was like...

The conversation after that...

 So I took her account, and started making changes! I deleted her looks and most artbooks, and created a new 'Giveaway' artbook to get rid of unwanted clothes! It was going well, I had got rid of most of the clothes when I got this message from on of her backup accounts:
There was also a message from another account of hers (I can't remember the name and I can't find it in chat so perhaps it was deleted?) saying something like 'Thanks for looking after my account, can I have it back now?'
As you can imagine, I was shocked and surprised... this girl had said I could keep her account FOREVER as she didn't want it anymore...
But, being the good person I am (i) I gave her the account back...
 Everything was okay for a while before 'oh the winner returned' went back on her account... then things started kicking off...
I was rather annoyed... I mean, look at her excuse!!!

 After a while, we sorted it out, and I hope that person never makes that mistake again...

 Then, only a few days later, I got locked out for telling her account the password, FOR A WEEK!!!
I mean, come on!!!
I just wanted to blog about this... thanks for reading! ;)

Cat x

Friday, 5 December 2014

Lack of YouTube Videos and Posts

Okay, so I am doing this post from my iPod because at the moment I can't use the computer! I just wanted to make a quick update on my blog (for the few people who read it)!

The computer that I would normally use to log on to MSP every day has been disconnected from the Internet, and I can't get onto it with Internet until we get a new phone line! This could take some time... :/

So, for now, I am logging on on a work laptop. As the title says, it's for work, so I can only log on quickly, not play on it properly (it's not my laptop)!

I hope this explains why I haven't been doing as many blog posts (oh the winner returned #2 coming as soon as possible) or YouTube videos!

Hope you understand my situation a bit more, I will try and log on everyday, and I will be on the app a lot! Hopefully we will get another phone line soon! (i)
I hope to be 'fully' back soon! :D

Cat x