Thursday 25 June 2015

What I've been up to...

Heyy guys :P

I think I might make more of these posts unless I can create a blogging schedule, as I'm so hopeless at doing posts on time >.<

Basically I'm gonna post all the pictures I've got on various computers and laptops and talk about them (a bit like a round up of all the stuff I've done recently-ish hence the title)

Let's start with all the snazzy friends/starcoins I've had that I took snips of xD 

Meet & Greets...

This was the Masquerade Ball Meet & Greet by Slam and Aly (which was quite a while ago xD)

And these are the Angelings Meet & Greet pics that I took... I can't remember which one :/ I think it was the second one..?

I don't think this is quite as easy to see, but on my laptop some of the things on MSP have gone really pixelated, which is super annoying -.-

And, to finish off, a really creepy message that popped up on the bottom of my laptop during my Music lesson last week... stalkers o.e >.>

Anyway, thanks for reading all the crazy things that I get up to online x'D

Cat x

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